Emperor Christian Victor I

Emperor Christian Victor I

Tuesday 10 April 2012

What's Up Wednesday (Syldavia Update)

Good morning everyone. Blogging time again and today is a little difficult as it seems we are in a transition.

After last week’s 15th Anniversary Banquet in Swann and the current exciting news surrounding the restoration of the monarchy in Syldavia, it’s going to be difficult to keep today’s Wednesday post interesting enough. We will obviously report on Syldavia and this promises to keep the next few weeks very interesting. The most current news is that Syldavia’s new King will be arriving in state, somewhere over the weekend. The few days delay has given the new Royal couple the time to assimilate and prepare their initial move to the new country and has given time for the Syldavian government to at least nominally prepare the Palace in the capital for their stay.

Let's familiarize the world with the faces of the new King and Queen while we await official photos. This photo was taken at the annual  Christmas Ball held in 2011. In the centre is the former Count Nikolas von Bismarck with his wife Princess Maxima von Bismarck on our right and his sister Countess Miranda von Bismarck at the back.

The former Count von Bismarck and his wife Princess Maxima will be arriving by government Flight 101 in the capital. The King will then be proclaimed using his as yet unannounced Regnal Name for the first time, from the Houses of Parliament. This will be followed by a gun salute which the King and Queen will receive from the Palace. Exact times are still to follow. A date for the official Investiture Ceremony has also not been set yet. We can expect high ranking Royals representing the various Royal Houses to attend this very auspicious occasion. 

The Syldavian flag was left unchanged after the revolution so as such will probably remain intact.

The Kingdom of Syldavia will also be releasing state portraits and stamps commemorating the event. New money will also be minted. It seems a lot of work lays ahead for both country and its new King. Nobody said it was easy to be a monarch.

Long Live the King!!

In other news, I would like to wish my friend the Baron Ebenezer von Roeloff a very blessed and happy birthday today. We must get together for a game of chess. 

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