Emperor Christian Victor I

Emperor Christian Victor I

Tuesday 4 June 2013

What's Up Wednesday (Prince Valmont D'Pont Du Lac Visits Grand Duchess of Hanoveria)

Prince Valmont D'Pont Du Lac and the Duchess of Roswind have come to the last league of their honeymoon and decided to spend two days with the Prince's cousin who could not attend their nuptials. After their State Portrait stint with the Duchess'cousin, Queen Gloria in Normandia, they joined the Grand Duchess of Hanoveria at the Royal Palace in the Hanoverian capital.

The Prince and the Grand Duchess of Hanoveria are first cousins and she could regrettably not attend  the wedding in Muren two weeks ago. The Royal Family of Hanoveria were hosting a State Visit from the Duke of Swann at the time. 

The newlyweds spent some private family time with the Grand Duchess but also made an incognito tour of the city while there. However they did attend a small formal dinner hosted by the Grand Duchess and allowed press photos. 

The Duchess of Roswind wore her new sapphires that she received as an engagement present to the formal dinner. 

From here on it is back to the grind stone. The Duchess has many business obligations and the Prince has to deal with his many responsibilities. There are talks of some business amalgamations with the greater Van der Bilt holdings of which the Duchess and Queen Gloria are major shareholders. Some dealings with Arc International are also being negotiated.


  1. Que guapa yo creo que tengo una parecida pero me encanta la foto de portada de tu blog me quedo por aquí también me gustan las Barbis cariñosamente las llamo mis niñas, http://cosasdecosturadecarmele.blogspot.com

    besoss desde Mlilla España

  2. You know Daniel, there's a Barbie Collector series called Birth Stone and Miss Birth Stone, it consists of 12 barbies, each Barbie represents a month and has the name and the color of a precious gem per month. This is Sapphire (September) :
    and this is Miss (September) Sapphire:
