Following last week's post we have reached the penultimate tier of our list of all the Royal and Noble personalities featured in our blog to date. This list is of the rest of the Nobility from all over Europa. To view all the preceding lists follow the links just below.
Her Ladyship the Marchioness Londondery. She is the 1st cousin of the Duke of Marlboro.
His Lordship, the Earl Cartwright. He is the 2nd cousin of the Crown Prince Imperial and the brother in law of the Grand Duke of Serbieski.
Her Ladyship Countess Cartwright. She is the wife of the Earl Cartwright and the sister of the Marquis D'Bacquemme.
Her Royal Highness Dowager Countess Cartwright. She is the mother of the current Earl Cartwright and the wife of the Crown Prince Imperial's deceased cousin once removed.
His Excellency Count Szanguscko. He is the Head of the Noble House of Szanguscko and younger brother of the Prince of Northwold.
Highborn Mercedes Szanguscko. She is the younger sister of the Prince of Northwold.
(no photo)
His Excellency Count De Lumbre is a distant cousin of Queen Maria of Hispania. He chooses to stay entirely out of the public eye.
Her Excellency Countess De Lumbre is the wife of the Count De Lumbre and a celebrated Flamenco Dancer.
His Lordship the Earl Basquith. He is a distant cousin of the Kings of Scotney.
Her Ladyship Countess Basquith. She is the wife of the Earl Basquith and a 2nd cousin of the Duke of Swann. She eschews the public eye.
Her Excellency the Countess Tolstoievski. She is the Head of the Noble House of Tolstoievski and a distant cousin of the Tsars of Ruskiana.
His Lordship Viscount Hayz. He is descended from the first Viscount who gained his Britanian title for serving as Prime Minister in the late 1700's.
Her Ladyship Viscountess Hayz. She is the wife of the Viscount hayz and the daughter of the Duchess of Aragon.
His Lordship Admiral Viscount Faraway. Originally Mr Aidan Hyland decended from the Barons Hyland in Scotney he was created Viscount Faraway in Swann for his services as Admiral of the Swanobian Fleet. He is also considered a very close friend of the Duke of Swann.
His Lordship Admiral Viscount Faraway. Originally Mr Aidan Hyland decended from the Barons Hyland in Scotney he was created Viscount Faraway in Swann for his services as Admiral of the Swanobian Fleet. He is also considered a very close friend of the Duke of Swann.
His Lordship the Baron D'Rothchild. He is the 1st cousin to Prince Louis D'Pont du Lac and a 2nd cousin to the Marquis D'Bacquemme.
Her Highness Baroness D'Rothchild. She is the wife of the Baron D'Rothchild and the sister of the Grand Duke of Serbieski.
Her Highness Princess D'Pont Du Lac Dowager Baroness D'Rothchild is the mother of current baron D'Rothchild and the aunt of the current Prince Louis D'Pont du Lac.
Her Ladyship Baroness Klariowna. She is a 1st cousin of the Prince of Northwold.
The Honourable Baronetess Rosenbloom. She was elevated to the title in 2011 for services rendered to the Crown Prince Imperial.
The Honourable Lady Loelia Jennings. She is the sister of the Duke of Marlboro and the Duke of Toledo.

The Honourable Lady Ferrox. She is the sister of the Duchess of Argyle.
Sir Charles Jennings a 1st cousin of the Duke of Marlboro and the High Stewart to the Duke of Swann.