A Royal surprise event hits us today as the Mine Magazine reports on this past weekend's happenings. Kept a secret from the public until today it is obvious that the surprise factor adds to the magic of this great news. The long awaited engagement of the Duchess of Roswind is finally announced and was celebrated last Saturday at a private event by family and friends. Her Grace the Duchess of Roswind said "yes" to her literal Prince Charming who has been dating the Duchess for months away from the public glare. The lucky suitor can now finally be publicly revealed and happens to be none other than His Highness Prince Valmont D'Pont du Lac. He is the younger brother of the pretender to the Franconian throne and has chosen to remain completely out of the public eye until now.

The Duchess of Roswind is a very influential business woman with shares in the International affairs of the Van Der Bilt Corporation. As a Van Der Bilt heiress and a cousin to Queen Gloria of Normandia her media profile is in stark contrast to the reserved Prince from a Royal line who hasn't held power in over 200 years. Strictly speaking he does however outrank her but under current International law his title by courtesy does not have to pass to his wife. Once they get married they will probably be referred to by their separate titles or the Duchess of Roswind might accept Queen Gloria's offer of Normandian citizenship and title which will then restore the couple to having officially accepted rank.
The Duchess has been single for many years and speculation as to her relationships have been rife for just as long. Her turbulent past, wealth and social standing must have made it difficult to find a suitable partner but this match seems to make sense even if it is just on a practical level. Prince Valmont is from the right class, not too poor but down to earth enough to not have airs and graces. He also knows all the difficulties and responsibilities that come with a title and having it "in pretence".
Saturday night saw the family and friends of the couple come out in force to celebrate the engagement. The Hotel Ritz-Nordica was engaged by Queen Gloria of Normandia for hosting her cousin's special night.
Queen Gloria chats to the Grand Duchess of Serbieski while all the guests arrive.
Prince Louis D'Pont du Lac arrives with his younger brother Prince Valmont and their sister Princess Antoinette. If Franconia was still a monarchy then this would be it's Royal family with Prince Louis as King.
Princess Odeliah and the Crown Prince Imperial arrive to celebrate with his cousin the Duchess of Roswind. Princess Odeliah tips her hat to the engaged Prince D'Pont du Lac by wearing some historic D'Pont du Lac Emeralds and Pearls.
The Duchess of Roswind stole the show next to her Prince, in a stunning Barbie International original dress and her new platinum jewellery.
The full gathering of family and friends consisted from left; the Crown Princess Imperial, the Crown Prince Imperial (second cousin to the Duchess), the Baroness D'Rothchild, the Dowager Baroness D'Rothchild (aunt to Prince Valmont), the Baron D'Rothchild (cousin to Prince Valmont), The Duchess of Roswind, the Prince Valmont, the Princess Antoinette (sister to Prince Valmont), Prince Louis (brother to Prince Valmont), Queen Gloria (cousin to the Duchess) and Grand Duchess Davina of Serbieski (distant cousin of the Duchess).
The highlight of the evening came when the family presented a set of sapphire jewellery to the couple as a gift to commemorate the event. The set, consisting of earrings and a necklace was purchased as a group by the guests from the estate of the former Shahbannou of Perlistan.
The Perlistani Sapphires haven't been seen in public for over 20 years and we look forward to seeing the Duchess wear them to an upcoming Royal event. We wish her Grace and His Highness all the best with their relationship and it has also been announced that the wedding date is set towards the end of this year or early 2013. The rest of the evening was spent eating and dancing.
In other news, it has been officially declared from the Syldav capital, that the Serbieski Governor's Local Election is to be held this coming Saturday. It seems to be a for ordained conclusion that the very popular Grand Duke of Serbieski will win by a landslide. It will be the first time in history that a Royal will be democratically elected into an office with political power and it will set new precedents as far as political power functions in Europa.