This post is more of a timeline than a history lecture. For that purpose the dates and chronology will be the main information and the fleshing out of the events will be cryptic.
The year 500
Europan tribes congeal into regional chiefdoms, setting the base for what was to become what we know today as the major Europan kingdoms.
The year 500
Europan tribes congeal into regional chiefdoms, setting the base for what was to become what we know today as the major Europan kingdoms.
The year 666
The island nation of Arcwhite is established as the Nuns from the Convent of the White Veil declare independence from Scotney "tyranny" and win the consequential war of independence with Scotney.
The island nation of Arcwhite is established as the Nuns from the Convent of the White Veil declare independence from Scotney "tyranny" and win the consequential war of independence with Scotney.
The year 999
This is the year to which the founding of the Order of the Diamonds Star is traditionally accredited to.
The year 1250
This Crown and Scepter is made for Krull Danielovich I as ruler of Serbieski and as such make it the first set of regalia assembled in Europa.
The year 1455
Legend has it that in this year the then Duke of Stirling, Prince Christian of Scotney while lost in the Veiled Forest, found the famous Crown of St Christian hanging in a mysterious rosebush. It was during this discovery that the Royal motto: "...a treasure lost, is a treasure found...", was coined.
Legend has it that in this year the then Duke of Stirling, Prince Christian of Scotney while lost in the Veiled Forest, found the famous Crown of St Christian hanging in a mysterious rosebush. It was during this discovery that the Royal motto: "...a treasure lost, is a treasure found...", was coined.
The year 1477
The red sash and diamond star badge is assigned to the Order of the Diamonds Star by St Christian, the King of Scotney who officially established the order in 1477 as a Scotney and Britanian Co-Order of Knighthood
The year 1699
In 1696 Ruskiana declared itself an Empire based on the fact that its Tzar ruled over several other lesser realms. It was a fact that Ruskiana was the largest of all "kingdoms" in Europa but traditionally the title emperor belonged to the mythical "legal ruler over all europa" and not just the mightiest monarch on the map. But the rest of Europa accepted his Empire based on the fact that he didn't strictly claim emperorship over Europa, just over Ruskiana and retained the title Tzar albeit in allusion to its equality with emperor. For this reason Ivan III Borisovich had new regalia made up for him and his wife. These crowns became the famous and spectacular Imperial Crowns of Ruskian that became the quintessential symbol of Ruskiana.
In 1696 Ruskiana declared itself an Empire based on the fact that its Tzar ruled over several other lesser realms. It was a fact that Ruskiana was the largest of all "kingdoms" in Europa but traditionally the title emperor belonged to the mythical "legal ruler over all europa" and not just the mightiest monarch on the map. But the rest of Europa accepted his Empire based on the fact that he didn't strictly claim emperorship over Europa, just over Ruskiana and retained the title Tzar albeit in allusion to its equality with emperor. For this reason Ivan III Borisovich had new regalia made up for him and his wife. These crowns became the famous and spectacular Imperial Crowns of Ruskian that became the quintessential symbol of Ruskiana.
The year 1734
The terrible Franconian Revolution broke out in this year, leading to a time of unimaginable slaughter and war.
The terrible Franconian Revolution broke out in this year, leading to a time of unimaginable slaughter and war.
The year 1899
The lavish Ruskian Bicentenary Celebration was held to celebrate the glory of Ruskiana. It was the greatest and most spectacular Royal event to date.
The year 1909
A top of the range Rolls Royce car was made for the current Duke of Swann's grandfather in this year. He took ownership of it in 1911 before the great war used it for travel to and from his mainland Europan estates and to tour Ruskiana shortly before the war. The car was caught on the Europan mainland as the war broke out but was used to hide and to smuggle the Ruskian Imperial Jewelery out of Ruskiana and was stored and forgotten in a hidden container in Hanoveria where it was discovered in 2013.
A top of the range Rolls Royce car was made for the current Duke of Swann's grandfather in this year. He took ownership of it in 1911 before the great war used it for travel to and from his mainland Europan estates and to tour Ruskiana shortly before the war. The car was caught on the Europan mainland as the war broke out but was used to hide and to smuggle the Ruskian Imperial Jewelery out of Ruskiana and was stored and forgotten in a hidden container in Hanoveria where it was discovered in 2013.
The year 1936
After Syldavia became the Germanic Empire it eventually led to The Great War in 1936-1949
The year 1950
Sebieski and Reichenthal are established as independent kingdoms in 1950 just after the Great War.
After Syldavia became the Germanic Empire it eventually led to The Great War in 1936-1949
Sebieski and Reichenthal are established as independent kingdoms in 1950 just after the Great War.
Ruskiana's losses in the war and the cost to the economy was blamed on their emperor and an internal civil war and revolution in 1950 lead to the abolishment of their monarchy shortly after. Tzar Ivan X and his family were killed and Alexander III succeeded him but was never crowned. He in turn was killed while fleeing the country a few months later with his young family.
The year 1953
The Coronation of Queen Crystobel 1 of Scotney takes place.
The Coronation of Queen Crystobel 1 of Scotney takes place.
The year 1983
Prince Daniel, the current Duke of Swann is born as Hereditary Duke of Swann.
The year 1985
Crystobel II becomes Queen of Scotney.
The year 1986
The Wedding of Queen Crystobel II of Scotney to the Crown Prince of Britania takes place.
The Wedding of Queen Crystobel II of Scotney to the Crown Prince of Britania takes place.
The year 1988
Prince Christian Victor is born, to be heir of Scotney and Britania.
The year 1990
Crown Prince Christian becomes King of Britania
The Coronation of the Emperor Christian and Empress Crystobel establishes the United Empire of Scot-Britania.
The year 1993
The auction of the famous D'Pont Du Lac Emeralds caused a media frenzy as it took place in the Imperial capital city of Londinium. The Empress Crystobel was revealed as the buyer. Most of the emeralds still exist today as part of the Imperial Collection and some have returned to their original owner.
This portrait was taken to celebrate the last Duchess of Swann's then 35th birthday but due to the 96 Revolution was never released to the public.
The year 1996
The Bloody Revolution topples the United Empire of Scot-Britania.
The year 1997
The current Duke of Swann succeeds his father to the throne.
The year 1998
Monarchy is abolished in Normandia.
The year 2000
The Grand Duke of Hanoveria was shot dead in front of his family by a sniper while he was making his year-opening speech from the palace balcony following the Christmas/New Year holidays. It came to light after an investigation and some arrests that the Grand Duke was secretly being blackmailed by a criminal cartel and that his refusal to comply led to the sniper that was intended to shoot his wife but missed.
The year 2004
On 23 Sept 2004 the Coronation of the current Duke of Swann takes place 7 years after his ascension to the throne due to his father's death as a result of the 96 Revolution.
The year 2005
Xenia became the new ruler of the Grand Principality of Wallachia.
The year 2006
Upon the 10year anniversary of the Bloody Revolution, the Duke of Swann hosted a memorial service in Swann City and spoke against violent terrorism and unnecessary political violence. He was officially supported by his cousins, the Princess of Wallachia and the Grand Duke of Hanoveria.
The year 2010
The Wedding of the Crown Prince Imperial to Odeliah Sorgenfrei is the greatest event of the year.

The first Royal Christmas Ball is held in 14years in Hanoveria and it witnesses the first "public" appearance of a Lady Arcwhite outside the borders of her country.
The year 2011
This year witnessed the Restoration of the Normandian Monarchy and Investiture of Queen Gloria. This set a grand precedent in reversal of the events caused by the 96 Revolution.
The year 2012
The Duke of Swann celebrates his 15th Anniversary on the Throne.
The Restoration of the Syldavian Monarchy and Investiture of King Nikolas III also takes place in 2012.

Peace between Arcwhite and Swann after more than 600 years is a huge breakthrough in 2012.
The year 2013
The Duke of Swann discovers the100 year old car and lost Ruskian Imperial Crown jewels in a Hanoverian abandoned warehouse.
The tragic 2013 Assasination of Empress Crystobel casts a pall over all Europa.
The lesser D'Pont Du Lac Emerald Parure is sold amongst other jewellery owned by Empress Crystobel. It went for a record price to the Baron D'Rothchild.
Hello from Spain: interesting story that marks the future. I like the 2010 wedding of Crown Prince Imperial of Odeliah Sorgenfrei. Keep in touch
ReplyDeleteHola Duke, fantastica forma de presentarnos la historia de la realeza, me gustaron las fotos de tus ken en formato antiguo, seguro la realeza estara muy satisfecha de tu trabajo, seguro alguien conoce tu blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you Linda Ivette. Kind of you to read the story as well as enjoy the pictures. i don't think all my fans bother to real all the stuff I write. I don't blame them though, hahaha.
DeleteI think is a form of respect and apreciation to read a post, from the beginning to the end, paying attention to the pictures also. I own a blog, I know all the pain behind a post. Oh, and yes, I read all the stuff you write, I like them :-)
ReplyDeleteAnyway I'm agree with you, sometimes I think followers don't read everything on a post, or they don't understand the meaning of a post because they refuse to use the translator button.