His Imperial Highness Prince ChristianVictor, Crown Prince Imperial of the United Empire of Scot-Britania, Head of the House of Aldarian, wishes to extend his heartfelt greetings and best wishes to everyone for this holiday season and the new year. His Royal Highness thanks everybody for their kind support in the year of 2012 and hopes that 2013 will surpass everybody's expectations.
In particular he wants to thank his cousin, the Duke of Swann, for his friendship in 2012 and prays that he will reap the fruits of his kind actions in the year to come.
To all the world, may we all take responsibility for our talents, gifts and lot in life. May we serve one another and grow this garden called "earth", to its full prosperous potential.
Hello from Spain: Prince ChristianVictor discourse is very correct. I also wish you a Happy New Year and that in 2013 we can still enjoy the royal life. keep in touch