Emperor Christian Victor I

Emperor Christian Victor I

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Breaking News (Arcwhite/Swann Treaty)

In a groundbreaking turn of events, an ancient treaty will be made null this weekend. For more than 600 years the Principality of Swann and the Island Realm of Arcwhite have had a cold relationship at best. After a devastating period during the early 14th century AD, known as the Hundred Year Raids, The King of Scotney stepped in forcing a peace between the two nations in 1346. The Treaty of Avalon was signed on the small island of Avalon bringing an end to the petty wars once and for all. One of the strange stipulations of the Treaty of Avalon stated that neither of the respective Heads of State of the two countries might set foot on the other's sovereign territory. Even though tensions subsided in the centuries since then, it never completely abated and the Treaty of Avalon itself has caused tensions between the countries as it strained trade and immigration procedures between Swann and Arcwhite. 

Now it has been decided by both nations and the Commitee for a United Europa that the ancient treaty should be amended. It is even considered to entirely abolish the outdated agreement. Some right-wing concerns in Swann are; a resurgence of "intimidation" and elitism from Arcwhite but the Island Realm assures civilized courtesy and to abide by international law and protocol. 

It seems that the now famous "first dance" at the 2010 Christmas Ball was a portent of things to come. The Duke of Swann placated an awkward atmosphere by inviting Lady Arcwhite to open the dance floor as tensions flared when she arrived last at the ball in breach of protocol. 

Last night it was broadcast live from the press conference held in Duke's Court Palace that the principality will be glad to smooth over age old differences by extending a hand in friendship. After the press release, the Duke of Swann sent his official envoy, Sir Charles Jennings to deliver their amendment to the Treaty of Avalon. 

Lady Arcwhite, in a press conference held at the same time, welcomed friendship and a new era of "working together". She stated that she has long dreamed of a new bridge crossing the divide between the two nations. She also sent her envoy, Viscount Hayz to deliver her amendment to the Principality of Swann. 

Government legal representatives will now draw up the new Treaty which will then be signed forthwith on the Island of Avalon. It will be called; The Treaty of Avalon for a New Age. 

The Proclaimer has just published the news along with our blog at the crest of this wave. It is expected that either Swann or Arcwhite will host this years Christmas Ball in order to celebrate the welcoming of the other Head of State. It is incredible how Royalty can through sheer symbolism influence the world in a very tangible way. 


  1. Hello from Spain: Arcwhite Lady is very beautiful and elegant in the press conference. I love the round rug. The newspaper's cover is very creative. Keep in touch

  2. Oh my god, I love your attempt at advertising! 'Red Rabbit', LOL! Hope it gives you real wings unlike the 'Bull' version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x9iYweART4
